What Is “Pasture Raised” Food?

When we say our animals are pasture raised, we truly mean that they live their lives on pasture. Pasture raised implies this idea but unfortunately most items in the store that say they are “pasture raised” aren’t what you image. Big companies have co-opted the term and will provide their animals access to a small […]
What to look for when selecting cows for a grass-fed cattle operation?

When selecting cows or bulls for your herd of grass-fed cattle, you should look for breeds that demonstrate the following characteristics. Longevity Fertility Adaptability Soundness of feet, legs, eyes and udders. Cattle from grass-fed, grass-finished beef farms are a must. These cattle will be smaller framed and able to finish at 1100 lbs. Larger framed […]
Why Did We Choose Red Devon Cattle?

Growing up, I spent some time working on dairy farms in Upstate New York. At the time I swore that I would never be a farmer. Hot summer days spent stacking hay in the top of a barn and cold winter mornings mucking manure did not instill a romantic image of farming. The one thing […]
30 Interesting Facts About Red Devon Cattle

Red Devon Cattle are descendants of ancient cattle breeds from the Southwest of England. Known for their ruby red coat (sometimes leading to the name of Devon Ruby or Red Ruby), the breed are remarkably resilient, lead to quality beef, are great at grass-based production, and have one of the purest genetics of any cattle […]
Farms Near Nashville with Grass-fed, Grass-finished Beef

Are you looking for local farms near Nashville that raise grass-fed beef, and finish cattle on nothing but the grass nature intended? As farmers raising and selling grass-fed, grass-finished beef in the Nashville/Murfeesboro/Chattanooga area, we are excited to see the grass-fed market growing. Despite the rapid growth, grass-fed beef only represents 1% of beef sold […]
What were the first animals on your farm?

Our farm started with two kinds of cattle: Scottish Highlands and Texas Longhorns. We chose these breeds because of their browsing nature. They could bulk up on many different varieties of forage, including the briars and brush covering our property. The farm-to-be was an old logging property that was clear-cut about 10 years prior to […]
Ordering A Whole, Half, Quarter, or Eighth Beef

The sound of cattle happily chewing their cud while standing on pristine pasture after their daily move is one of the many reasons we choose to grass finish our cows and provide them with fresh pasture every day. Cattle in their natural habitat foraging for lush grasses, legumes, and forbs plays an important part in […]