The sound of cattle happily chewing their cud while standing on pristine pasture after their daily move is one of the many reasons we choose to grass finish our cows and provide them with fresh pasture every day. Cattle in their natural habitat foraging for lush grasses, legumes, and forbs plays an important part in our pasture restoration. Cattle are ruminants and providing them with their natural diet creates healthy happy cattle.
We feed our cattle their natural diet because we know you are what you eat. By feeding our cattle the best quality diet, we can provide our customers with a quality product to feed their families. You can have peace of mind knowing you are eating antibiotic and hormone free beef that was humanely raised out in the sunshine with room to roam.
Although you can order retail cuts from our farm at any time of year, you can also pre-order a whole, half, quarter or eighth of a cow. Pre-orders are mutually beneficial because we can offer a discount in exchange for your help covering start up cost with a deposit. It also helps us project sales throughout the year.
Our beef cuts retail for an average of $13 per lb. By pre-ordering you will save almost $6 per pound!
When ordering a whole beef, you will receive an average of 400 pounds of meat for your freezer. The final cost will be $7.50/lb. A whole beef will fill a 20 cubic ft. freezer. A $400 deposit is required to reserve your whole beef. This will be ideal for a large hungry family.
When ordering a half beef, you will receive an average of 200 pounds of meat for your freezer. The final cost will be $7.75/lb. A half beef fits in a 10 cubic ft. freezer. A $300 deposit is required to reserve your half beef. Ideal for a large family.
1/4 BEEF
When ordering a quarter beef, you will receive an average of 100 pounds of meat for your freezer. The final cost will be $8.00/lb. A quarter beef fits in 1/2 a small chest freezer. A $200 deposit is required to reserve your half beef. Great for a small family of 2-3 people
1/8 BEEF
When ordering an eighth beef, you will receive an average of 50 pounds of meat for your freezer. The final cost will be $8.50/lb. An eighth beef fits in 3/4 of a standard fridge top freezer. A $100 deposit is required to reserve your half beef. Great for 1 or 2 people or first time buyers.
Contact us below to reserve your grass-fed grass-finished beef.