Who has the time to plan meals for the week?
With all the decisions we make every day, and trying to juggle life, figuring out what to make for dinner can be a daunting task. To make your lives easier, we have compiled a week of main courses using products from our farm. If you live locally, or attend one of the markets where we […]
How Much Beef Can I Fit In A Freezer?

One of the nice things about beef (or most any meat for that matter) is that it stores well for up to two years in a good freezer. Some people say that you shouldn’t store it for more than 1 year to maximize taste quality, but in cases of emergency that wouldn’t matter much. So […]
30 Interesting Facts About Beef Jerky

If you ended up on our page here, we imagine you’ve tried beef jerky a time or two. Maybe you’ve tried to make your own. Or are a budding aficionado of high quality beef jerky recipes. You aren’t alone! Jerky is one of the oldest and — dare we say — tastiest preserved meats available. […]
30 Interesting Facts About Red Devon Cattle

Red Devon Cattle are descendants of ancient cattle breeds from the Southwest of England. Known for their ruby red coat (sometimes leading to the name of Devon Ruby or Red Ruby), the breed are remarkably resilient, lead to quality beef, are great at grass-based production, and have one of the purest genetics of any cattle […]
Farms Near Nashville with Grass-fed, Grass-finished Beef

Are you looking for local farms near Nashville that raise grass-fed beef, and finish cattle on nothing but the grass nature intended? As farmers raising and selling grass-fed, grass-finished beef in the Nashville/Murfeesboro/Chattanooga area, we are excited to see the grass-fed market growing. Despite the rapid growth, grass-fed beef only represents 1% of beef sold […]
Ordering A Whole, Half, Quarter, or Eighth Beef

The sound of cattle happily chewing their cud while standing on pristine pasture after their daily move is one of the many reasons we choose to grass finish our cows and provide them with fresh pasture every day. Cattle in their natural habitat foraging for lush grasses, legumes, and forbs plays an important part in […]