30 Interesting Facts About Beef Jerky

If you ended up on our page here, we imagine you’ve tried beef jerky a time or two. Maybe you’ve tried to make your own. Or are a budding aficionado of high quality beef jerky recipes. You aren’t alone! Jerky is one of the oldest and — dare we say — tastiest preserved meats available. […]
How many calories are in a pound of meat?

Quick answer: it ranges between about 650 and 1300 calories depending on the amount of protein and fat. Lower fat meats have less calories. To meet your daily calorie needs on just meat, most people would need to eat between 1 and 2lbs of meat per day. There are many people who feel best on […]

At Cove Creek Farm we believe that beef is the most complete single source of nutrition for maximum energy and overall well being (see the paper below). We are proud to raise our cattle completely on lush grass (with hay supplementation in the winter if necessary) in a natural environment. We rotate our cattle daily […]