Appointments by Crocoblock/JetEngine

Create/edit events/appointment pages here,
Price – scroll to the bottom to edit the price.

Block booking dates here e.g. Christmas

Youtube tutorials

Event Ticket Plus

Create a Ticket

  1. Edit the post or page where the ticket is going to be created.
  2. Insert the ticket block into the page.
  3. Fill out the ticket info. See image in previous email.
  4. If you want to add a featured image or description to a ticket, you will need to edit the WooCommerce Product manually. Here is the link to the “Event Access” ticket in WooCommerce

delete a ticket

If you want to delete a ticket you will need to delete it from both the page where it appears and from the WooCommerce Products list

Code Snippets

The App

Adding Text Below the Page Title

Enter subheading text into the Page > Excerpt field on any page or post.